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*A special video message from Jeremy Ayres
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We absolutely stand by our philosophies – after over 30 years of practicing them – and witnessing their power to help people heal themselves.
We also stand by the fundamental truth that YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.
To the very best of our knowledge and intent, The information, protocols, services and products we offer can only serve to educate, nourish, restore and support health and healing. This very fact enables the body to self-heal, which is how it was designed by our Creator – sometimes known as God. To the best of our knowledge, the Creator does not make mistakes.
We currently still occupy a world of massive deceit and deception with very large powers and interests who have done everything in their powers – legal and not-legal – to suppress this knowledge from their fellow man and literally keep them sick and tired so that they become dependent upon non-nourishing foods, chemicals in so-called food, stimulants and the like as well as toxic pharmaceutical drugs.
The facts are that the 10 Fortune 500 pharmaceutical companies’ combined profits equal more than the remaining 490 corporations added together. So, we are talking $ beyond most people’s comprehension. If we think critically and ask ourselves what kind of client the Pharmaceutical Industry needs, the answer is obvious… SICK ONES!! How do we make people sick? We poison them or substantially de-nourish them.
Need we say any more when we look at so-called food today compared to 50 or more years ago?
We stand by these truths, but whilst there are entities that continue to try and stop their fellow-man from thriving by all manner of means, we must issue standard disclaimers.
Many good doctors, practitioners of natural medicine and true scientists have fallen prey to an unjust legal system. These brave souls prove what happens to those – though this is now changing – that dare show the world that they can help people heal themselves from chronic and serious dis-ease.
The condition commonly known as Cancer – for example – accounts for 70% of the profits of Big Pharma.
THINK! If Big Pharma make 70% of their profits from the so-called Cancer Industry, do you think that they want more cancer or less cancer?
Getting the picture yet?
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